Friday, August 15, 2014

Blogging about not blogging

I get so jealous when i read other blogs; Great blogs. Reading about things I have also thought about at one time or the other but was too lazy to put my thoughts on paper. My whole body wakes up and i can literally feel my heart thumping because i know i should have written this when i should have. Damn,You feel me? 
I guess that's how every body gets when they are passionate about something and are not doing it justice.
There is a lot going on. governments are screwing or unscrewing the people over, be it fuel crisis or  high utility bills. men and women are living, loving, hurting, dying, killing, birthing. LIVING.  I know I am part of this evolution and like you, I war  CONSTANTLY with the thin lines of change; the old and new, what is right and wrong; Always questioning the original factors that have shaped my perception about the world, Africa, Ghana, You and what I allow in to continue this task. 
I care about all these things and I should talk about it too. Not to be seen but to share. For THEREIN sharing lies SOME kind of strength and a certainty.. For me at least.

Where is all this coming from? reading this: How to be a great African Writer by Elsie Eyakuze

"So how does one become a revered African Writer? By not becoming one. The point of this life-choice, I think, is to be a Writer. That is where the actual pinnacle of success lies, above the cloud of adjectives, in the pure clean air of indisputable mastery, in the hopes of living on beyond the frailness of the body in the minds and hearts of generations to come. Amen."

Well, Case Closed.

Hopefully it will be all the inspiration i require. 

So Hi! I am Ghanaian. My name is Kwakyewaa and it is Nice to meet you!